Press statement
Dr. Andrea Siviero new Investment Strategist at Ethenea
Munsbach, 23ʳᵈ of September 2020 – Ethenea Independent Investors S.A. has appointed Dr. Andrea Siviero to the position of Investment Strategist. A renowned expert in macroeconomics and international monetary systems, in his role as Investment Strategist Dr. Siviero will be responsible for the development of Ethenea's macroeconomic opinion. He will also be a member of the Investment Committee.
"Andrea is an authority in his field and we are pleased to have him as a member of our Portfolio Management team," says Thomas Bernard, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors at Ethenea. "At Ethenea, we follow a team-oriented approach. With both his expertise and his extensive international experience, he will make a valuable contribution to the management of our funds. Andrea is therefore an ideal addition to our team."
Dr. Siviero holds degrees in both political economy and business management from the University of Neuchâtel and, in addition, has a PhD in economics. Before joining Ethenea, Dr. Siviero held the position of Director of International Monetary Cooperation at the Swiss National Bank. In a career that has spanned more than 20 years, he has also held other high-level positions, including Senior Economist at the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. and Head of Financial Market Analysis at the Federal Department of Finance in Bern, Switzerland. As part of these roles, he represented Switzerland in various international financial institutions and participated in international negotiation sessions. Furthermore, Dr. Siviero is a lecturer on economics and international monetary systems at the University of Neuchâtel.
Please contact us at any time if you have questions or suggestions.
ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A.
16, rue Gabriel Lippmann · 5365 Munsbach
Phone +352 276 921-0 · Fax +352 276 921-1099
info@ethenea.com · ethenea.com