International Project Aid (IPA)
The education of children and young people is particularly important to ETHENEA. The Swiss development organisation International Project Aid (IPA) combines its social work in developing countries with educational work in Swiss school classes. With this programme, IPA offers Swiss young people the opportunity to plan and organise a project of their choice from start to finish. Under the guidance and support of IPA, the students are responsible for planning and fundraising for their subprojects, thus learning to take responsibility and work in a structured manner. The actual realisation of the project takes place on site in Cameroon.
One of these projects involves building and equipping a vocational school in Ouazzang, Cameroon, to provide local young people with a sound and quality education. The focus lies on the practical learning of craft trades. Until now, however, there has been a lack of funds to purchase equipment and teaching materials, build new classrooms and latrines, as well as to furnish existing classrooms.
IPA, which is officially registered as a development cooperation organisation in Cameroon, is responsible for the project management and implementation on site. The project is coordinated from Zurich, Switzerland. ETHENEA supports the project financially.
Together with our partner, we look forward to seeing the school grow, renovating and building new classrooms and repairing latrines.
Find out more about IPA International Project Aid
An old classroom made out of corrugated iron.
A classroom made out of straw.
Defective latrine.
Separated offices.
New school building under construction.
Apprentices at work.
Please contact us at any time if you have questions or suggestions.
ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A.
16, rue Gabriel Lippmann · 5365 Munsbach
Phone +352 276 921-0 · Fax +352 276 921-1099
info@ethenea.com · ethenea.com