Every child has a right to an education
"The world of tomorrow depends to a large extent on the imagination of those who are learning to read now" wrote the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. Without our children, there is no future! Children give hope, they give joy, and we can learn so much from them.
For this reason, the education of children and young people is of great concern to ETHENEA and we have been supporting the non-profit organisation Ashia for many years. Ashia works to help destitute people and families, especially children, in Cameroon. Their work focuses on building and equipping schools, orphanages and hospitals, constructing water wells and providing education and access to vital surgical care.
With our support, two primary schools have already been built in Ngouma in 2020 and Gomdjor in 2022 (Cameroon). Because there is such a significant need in Cameroon, we have decided to commit to building two more primary schools, one of which has just been completed. It is located in the village of Fooro Ngoun, which has a population of around 600 people who depend on livestock and agriculture for their livelihood. These schools enable many more school-aged children to receive an all-important education from grades 1 to 4.
Please contact us at any time if you have questions or suggestions.
ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A.
16, rue Gabriel Lippmann · 5365 Munsbach
Phone +352 276 921-0 · Fax +352 276 921-1099
info@ethenea.com · ethenea.com