ETHENEA takes responsibility
Successfully managing a company also means being socially responsible. At ETHENEA, we take this responsibility seriously, which is why we have been involved in charitable projects and aid organisations for years. Some examples of our support include the "Bethanien Children's Village" in the Rheingau region and the international organisation “Médecins Sans Frontières” (Doctors without Borders), which provides high-quality healthcare in countries where survival is at risk due to war and other conflicts. "Île aux Clowns" is also very close to our hearts, as they bring laughter and joy to those in hospital and in rest homes.
As a socially engaged asset management company, we definitely believe that the "ELEPHANT PARADE" initiative is worth supporting. ETHENEA's key visual is the elephant, as its character perfectly embodies the attributes of our portfolio management. Therefore, we are extremely pleased to support the Swiss Elephant Parade in 2020 as an official sponsor.
Creating wealth based on values – ETHENEA’s guiding principles
Reflecting on values is often quickly dismissed as outdated. Yet they can stand for a pragmatic view of the world, combined with a wealth of life experience, expertise and prudence. We live our values and in doing so create the basis for our daily business. As an owner-operated, non-bank affiliated investment company, ETHENEA stands for transparent actions and responsible portfolio management - with the aim of preserving capital and achieving stable returns over the long term. The philosophy and actions of owner-operated companies go hand in hand. Although we do not operate in a vacuum, we are independent of banks and are not subject to third party market opinions. Furthermore, its proven team approach sets ETHENEA apart. We develop our market assessments, our risk management, our investment strategies, and investment ideas as a team and only invest when we are completely convinced. We see this as a distinct added value for our clients.
A small and specialised asset manager, it is our greater operational flexibility that gives us an edge over the broad-based universal providers. Ultimately, we treat the assets entrusted to us by our investors as we would our own, in order to achieve the desired capital growth for future generations. Consequently, ETHENEA attaches particular importance to capital preservation and the achievement of stable returns over the long term. Both of these are important elements of our investment philosophy.
ETHENEA - experience, intuition, and level-headedness
It is with good reason that we have chosen the elephant as the symbol and emblem of our values. Experience, intuition and level-headedness are qualities that people associate with elephants. They have thick skin, are steadfast, strong and assertive, and they follows their instincts. They live in a community with their fellow elephants and assume responsibility within their herd. These are not only qualities with which we identify, they also form the basis of how we manage the portfolios of the Ethna Funds each day in the interest of our investors. ETHENEA manages the Ethna Funds actively and prudently and follows a team approach.