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Portfolio Manager Update | HESPER FUND - Global Solutions

HESPER FUND – Global Solutions (*)

Key points at a glance

  • Stocks hit a speed bump as the roaring 2024 came to an end. Yields soared and the dollar strengthened.
  • China signals bolder stimulus for next year as Trump returns.
  • The HESPER FUND – Global Solutions fell 1.79% in December, as many Trump trades fizzled out and yields soared. For the year, the fund posted a 4.88% return.
  • The HESPER FUND – Global Solutions refined its portfolio allocation. Net equity exposure was first raised to 40% and recently halved to 20% as the tech rally faded. The overall duration stance was sliced to 2.5 years. In FX, the allocation remained unchanged. Gold exposure was maintained at 6%.

31.12.24 - Emboldened Trump returns to power

HESPER FUND – Macro Scenario: US economy surprised again in 2024 despite the Fed and the election

The US economy continued to expand at a solid pace in the third quarter (3.1%), largely driven by a broad-based increase in consumer spending. US growth is estimated to have continued at a similar pace in the final quarter of the year. Inflation hasn’t cooled off fast enough to fall towards the Fed’s 2% target by the end of the year. Thus, market expectations for rate adjustments have continued to fluctuate widely, with only a few rate cuts now expected in the coming quarters.

Against this backdrop, Trump is returning to power with an ambitious and aggressive agenda aimed at making profound changes both in the US and abroad.

Meanwhile, the world economy is bound to a soft landing amid worrying geopolitical developments, concerns about the new US stance on trade and ongoing wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Monthly performance and current positioning

The HESPER FUND – Global Solutions (T-6 EUR) lost 1.79% in December as stocks suffered a setback, bringing YTD performance to +4.88%. Total assets remained stable at 56 million euro. Volatility over the past 250 days increased to 6.4%. The annualised return since inception slowed to 3.31%.

During the month, the fund initially increased duration to 3.8 and then shortened it to 2.5 as yields started to climb. Equity exposure was initially raised to 40% to take advantage of a potential Christmas rally but was later reduced to 20% as the tech stocks rally faded. The fund continued to trade actively in the FX space. We are maintaining a long exposure to the US dollar, including a long position against the euro and against the GBP, and an arbitrage in the forward market between the US dollar and the Hong Kong dollar. This transaction artificially raises the overall exposure to the dollar to 125% where it would otherwise be 40%.

The breakdown of December performance (-1.79%) was: -0.36% fixed income instruments, -1.53% equity futures, -0.03% commodities, +0.25%% currencies and -0.10% fees and expenses.

Outlook: all eyes on the US economic policy

The resilient overall global performance masks significant differences across regions and countries and is surrounded by significant downside risks and uncertainties. The performance of the productivity-led US economy has again surprised on the upside and is likely to continue to drive global growth. Expansion in Europe has softened and China has committed to further aggressive stimulus.

The world is bracing itself for a new US administration that intends to use instruments of economic warfare to achieve its geopolitical goals. In this new context, several countries, from South Korea to Germany, via Japan, Canada, Spain and France, are lacking the strong political leadership to face the challenges posed by the new Trump administration. This new scenario has increased risks and uncertainties for the world economy and financial markets.

We remain bullish on the US dollar, as trade tariffs and fiscal policy are the main transmission mechanisms that will foster the relative strength of the US economy relative to the eurozone. However, we remain vigilant as we see challenging times ahead for the Fed under the Trump administration.

The outlook for equities remains constructive in the short term, even though the Fed will not be as accommodative as the market had previously expected. The outlook for the bond market is highly uncertain. Trump’s trade and tax policies could initially accelerate growth and reignite inflation, but immigration policies could slow growth, and bold fiscal reforms could improve fiscal efficiency and rein in the federal deficit.

*HESPER FUND - Global Solutions is currently only authorised for distribution in Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, France, Austria and Switzerland.

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This is a marketing communication. It is for product information purposes only and is not a mandatory statutory or regulatory document. The information contained in this document does not constitute a solicitation, offer or recommendation to buy or sell units in the fund or to engage in any other transaction. It is intended solely to provide the reader with an understanding of the key features of the fund, such as the investment process, and is not deemed, either in whole or in part, to be an investment recommendation. The information provided is not a substitute for the reader's own deliberations or for any other legal, tax or financial information and advice. Neither the investment company nor its employees or Directors can be held liable for losses incurred directly or indirectly through the use of the contents of this document or in any other connection with this document. The currently valid sales documents in German (sales prospectus, key information documents (PRIIPs-KIDs) and, in addition, the semi-annual and annual reports), which provide detailed information about the purchase of units in the fund and the associated opportunities and risks, form the sole legal basis for the purchase of units. The aforementioned sales documents in German (as well as in unofficial translations in other languages) can be found at and are available free of charge from the investment company ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A. and the custodian bank, as well as from the respective national paying or information agents and from the representative in Switzerland. The paying or information agents for the funds Ethna-AKTIV, Ethna-DEFENSIV and Ethna-DYNAMISCH are the following: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg: DZ PRIVATBANK S.A., 4, rue Thomas Edison, L-1445 Strassen, Luxembourg; France: CACEIS Bank France, 1-3 place Valhubert, F-75013 Paris; Italy: State Street Bank International – Succursale Italia, Via Ferrante Aporti, 10, IT-20125 Milano; Société Génerale Securities Services, Via Benigno Crespi, 19/A - MAC 2, IT-20123 Milano; Banca Sella Holding S.p.A., Piazza Gaudenzio Sella 1, IT-13900 Biella; Allfunds Bank S.A.U – Succursale di Milano, Via Bocchetto 6, IT-20123 Milano; Spain: ALLFUNDS BANK, S.A., C/ Estafeta, 6 (la Moraleja), Edificio 3 – Complejo Plaza de la Fuente, ES-28109 Alcobendas (Madrid); Switzerland: Representative: IPConcept (Schweiz) AG, Münsterhof 12, Postfach, CH-8022 Zürich; Paying Agent: DZ PRIVATBANK (Schweiz) AG, Münsterhof 12, CH-8022 Zürich. The paying or information agents for HESPER FUND, SICAV - Global Solutions are the following: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg: DZ PRIVATBANK S.A., 4, rue Thomas Edison, L-1445 Strassen, Luxembourg; Italy: Allfunds Bank S.A.U – Succursale di Milano, Via Bocchetto 6, IT-20123 Milano; Switzerland: Representative: IPConcept (Schweiz) AG, Münsterhof 12, Postfach, CH-8022 Zürich; Paying Agent: DZ PRIVATBANK (Schweiz) AG, Münsterhof 12, CH-8022 Zürich. The investment company may terminate existing distribution agreements with third parties or withdraw distribution licences for strategic or statutory reasons, subject to compliance with any deadlines. Investors can obtain information about their rights from the website and from the sales prospectus. The information is available in both German and English, as well as in other languages in individual cases. Producer: ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A.. Distribution of this document to persons domiciled in countries in which the fund is not authorised for distribution, or in which authorisation for distribution is required, is prohibited. Units may only be offered to persons in such countries if this offer is in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and it is ensured that the distribution and publication of this document, as well as an offer or sale of units, is not subject to any restrictions in the respective jurisdiction. In particular, the fund is not offered in the United States of America or to US persons (within the meaning of Rule 902 of Regulation S of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, in its current version) or persons acting on their behalf, on their account or for the benefit of a US person. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance. Fluctuations in the value of the underlying financial instruments or their returns, as well as changes in interest rates and currency exchange rates, mean that the value of units in a fund, as well as the returns derived from them, may fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. The valuations contained herein are based on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, current prices, estimates of the value of the underlying assets and market liquidity, as well as other assumptions and publicly available information. In principle, prices, values, and returns can both rise and fall, up to and including the total loss of the capital invested, and assumptions and information are subject to change without prior notice. The value of the invested capital or the price of fund units, as well as the resulting returns and distribution amounts, are subject to fluctuations or may cease altogether. Positive performance in the past is therefore no guarantee of positive performance in the future. In particular, the preservation of the invested capital cannot be guaranteed; there is therefore no warranty given that the value of the invested capital or the fund units held will correspond to the originally invested capital in the event of a sale or redemption. Investments in foreign currencies are subject to additional exchange rate fluctuations or currency risks, i.e. the performance of such investments also depends on the volatility of the foreign currency, which may have a negative impact on the value of the invested capital. Holdings and allocations are subject to change. The management and custodian fees, as well as all other costs charged to the fund in accordance with the contractual provisions, are included in the calculation. The performance calculation is based on the BVI (German federal association for investment and asset management) method, i.e. an issuing charge, transaction costs (such as order fees and brokerage fees), as well as custodian and other management fees are not included in the calculation. The investment performance would be lower if the issuing surcharge were taken into account. No guarantee can be given that the market forecasts will be achieved. Any discussion of risks in this publication should not be considered a disclosure of all risks or a conclusive handling of the risks mentioned. Explicit reference is made to the detailed risk descriptions in the sales prospectus. No guarantee can be given that the information is correct, complete or up to date. The content and information are subject to copyright protection. No guarantee can be given that the document complies with all statutory or regulatory requirements which countries other than Luxembourg have defined for it. Note: The most important technical terms can be found in the glossary at Information for investors in Belgium: The prospectus, the key information documents (PRIIPs-KIDs), the annual reports and the semi-annual reports of the sub-fund are available in French free of charge upon request from the investment company ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A., 16, rue Gabriel Lippmann, 5365 Munsbach, Luxembourg and from the representative: DZ PRIVATBANK S.A., 4, rue Thomas Edison, L-1445 Strassen, Luxembourg. Information for investors in Switzerland: The country of origin of the collective investment scheme is Luxembourg. The representative in Switzerland is IPConcept (Schweiz) AG, Münsterhof 12, P.O. Box, CH-8022 Zurich. The paying agent in Switzerland is DZ PRIVATBANK (Schweiz) AG, Münsterhof 12, CH-8022 Zurich. The prospectus, the key information documents (PRIIPs-KIDs), and the Articles of Association, as well as the annual and semi-annual reports, can be obtained free of charge from the representative. Copyright © ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A. (2025) All rights reserved. 05/11/2024