A message from ETHENEA’s founders
Thanks for 10 amazing years – here’s to many more!
In September, we are celebrating a milestone that we are very proud of – 10 years of ETHENEA. It really has been an amazing decade, so we just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the journey that we have taken together.

It was in the early 2000s that we first came up with the idea of launching our own fund. We both had considerable experience in the financial sector and wanted to set up a fund that followed our own ideas and values. The world had just experienced 9/11 and the bursting of the dotcom bubble, which had led to significant upheaval on the markets. We wanted to limit the impact of these types of events on the assets of our clients by offering a balanced flexible strategy across equities, bonds and cash that would generate continuous positive returns and provide an appropriate level of volatility. Essentially, we wanted to take responsibility for active asset allocation.
Although at that time, multi-asset funds were neither particularly well-known nor widespread, it was there we saw our opportunity – an actively managed multi-asset fund that catered for retail investors not just large institutional investors. And with that, in 2002, the Ethna-AKTIV was born. What started out small soon grew as increasingly more investors placed their trust in us and the fund. This encouraged us to add two more funds to the range – the bond-focused Ethna-DEFENSIV in 2007 and the equity-focused Ethna-DYNAMISCH in 2009. Despite their differing asset class focuses, all three funds have one thing in common – an actively and flexibly managed multi-asset approach is in their DNA.
Following the success of the three funds in 2010, we decided to set up ETHENEA – an investment company focused on the management of the Ethna Funds. At the beginning, the company was small with just a few employees but it grew steadily. Then as now, we follow a team approach when managing the Ethna Funds, with all investment decisions taken jointly. Capital preservation and achieving stable returns over the long term have always been key components of our investment philosophy.
Over the years, we have learnt a number of lessons that we still benefit from today. Firstly is how essential it is to be flexible as an active portfolio manager – anticipating crises or market movements where possible and acting accordingly. It is also important to be modest, have humility and know that you can and will make mistakes. You have to accept that, reassess the situation and adapt flexibly and creatively to the new environment.

We have experienced many highlights with ETHENEA and our 10-year anniversary is a milestone that we are both honoured by and thankful for. We are grateful for the trust our investors have placed in us and proud of the progress we have made over the past 10 years together with our investors and our employees. We want to continue to deliver the best for each and every one of our investors and drive ETHENEA ahead. We look forward to the next 10 years.
Best wishes
Luca Pesarini and Arnoldo Valsangiacomo
Please contact us at any time if you have questions or suggestions.
ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A.
16, rue Gabriel Lippmann · 5365 Munsbach
Phone +352 276 921-0 · Fax +352 276 921-1099
info@ethenea.com · ethenea.com